We will not change the minimum supported version in a major version of MUI. packages published on npm under the namespace). We try to align with types released from DefinitelyTyped (i.e. The minimum supported version of TypeScript was increased from v3.2 to v3.5. The minimum supported version of React was increased from v16.8.0 to v17.0.0. For other errors not described there, create an issue with this title format: Summary of your issue. If you encounter any issues, check the Troubleshooting section. 💡 Aim to create small commits on any changes to help the migration go more smoothly. Migrate theme's styleOverrides to emotion.The why is covered in the release blog post. This documentation page covers the how of migrating from v4 to v5. To get the benefits of bug fixes and a lot of improvements such as the new styling engine. We'll do our best to keep things easy to follow, and as sequential as possible, so you can quickly get rocking on v5! Why you should migrate While there's a lot covered here, you probably won't need to do everything. This is a reference for upgrading your site from MUI Core v4 to v5. If you're looking for the v4 docs, you can find the latest version here.